
Redeem your key and upgrade your account.

If you have an active Spotify Premium subscription, wait until it expires before upgrading your account; if you have another family plan you can leave it and upgrade; we are not responsible if you upgrade the key while you have an active subscription, the key may become unusable.

01 - Take your Spotify login information

To begin, you will need your Spotify login details, including your email address and password. If you already have them, you can proceed to step 02. Otherwise, please refer to Spotify's guide on how to recover your email or reset your password at: Spotify Help Center.

02 - Redeem your key and upgrade your account

  • Access our dashboard by clicking here or using the link: https://dashboard.spotynow.com/upgrade/.

  • Copy the key you received at the time of purchase and paste it into the first field on the dashboard.

  • Fill in the other two fields by entering your Spotify email in the "email" field and your Spotify password in the "password" field.

  • In the "country" section, select your country and then click on "upgrade."

Note: If your country is not available, you can choose any country; it will still work, but you might receive playlists and music recommendations specific to that region. If this is not an issue, you can proceed with the upgrade; otherwise, wait until your region is back in stock.

  • Once these steps are completed, wait a few minutes, and your account will soon be upgraded.

You can check the status of your key using the info section of our dashboard.

Last updated